Colossians 1:15-20 "Jesus is #1...and why that matters"
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Remember, Paul had not been to Colossea. We cannot go back and read in Acts the circumstances around Paul’s visit.
At this point, the introductions and prayer is done. Paul is going to launch into the sufficiency and supremacy of Jesus, not only for salvation, but for sanctification.
Some have called this section a “Hymn”
There are 6 direct references to Jesus being “first” by rank, right, and recognition: “firstborn, before all, head of the body, the beginning, firstborn, preeminent”. I think Paul was trying to get something across to the people of Colossea
I have broken this Hymn down into two parts, both consisting of 2 “He is” statements. Jesus is sufficient and supreme over Creation and the Church.
Creation/Creator: “The Image of the Invisible God” (vs. 15-17)
Church: “Head of the Body, the Church” (vs. 18-20)
Summary: In order to be mature in Christ, Jesus must be ranked #1 in my life
Creation/Creator: “The Image of the Invisible God” (vs. 15-17)
Creation/Creator: “The Image of the Invisible God” (vs. 15-17)
Image of the Invisible God (v. 15)
He is- pres, act, ind, 3rd, sg, “to be”. This is a present reality, we are not waiting for this, Jesus is not waiting for this. Not “He was” or “He will be”. Which if I am honest, that is how I think more about Jesus and what He “has done” or what “He will do” more than who “He is”.
The image (eikon) of invisible God- the visual representation of the invisible God.
john 14:9 “Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”
Jesus is the perfect resemblance and representation of God
The firstborn of all creation (2)
“Firstborn”- prototokos, prototype, first- “preceding all others in time or space or degree; probably understood as still including all the rights and privileges that accompany being a physical firstborn”- Logos
Jesus existed before creation.
“of all creation-” now, some would like to translate this as “Firstborn in Creation”. But in light of the context this is impossible,
Colossians and Philemon 2. The Heart of the Gospel: The Supremacy of Christ in Creation and Redemption (1:15–20)
Nicene Creed’s affirmation that Christ was “eternally begotten of the Father, … begotten, not made, of one Being (homoousios) with the Father.”
The “Firstborn” cannot be part of Creation if He created “all things.” One cannot create himself. (Jehovah’s Witnesses wrongly add the word “other” six times in this passage in their New World Translation. Thus they suggest that Christ created all other things after He was created! But the word “other” is not in the Gr.)
You can check with Pastor Lars to see if “olos” is in the text.
So “Firstborn” implies both Christ’s priority to all Creation (in time) and His sovereignty over all Creation (in rank).
Creator (3) (v. 16)
For by him- He is the agent of creation instrumental clause
all things were created- brought into existence,
in heaven and earth
visible and invisible- both material and immaterial, what you see, touch, think, and feel
Thrones or dominion- physical person who exercises control or administration over others
rulers or authorities- any supernatural being (besides God) acting in a ruling or commanding capacity; either good or evil. The Colossians, according to 2:18 were influenced by Angel worship.
All things were created through him- “ektistai”, perf, passive, ind, 3rd, sg, to be created
and for him- nothing and no one can rival Jesus’ supremacy. no thing and no one was created for thier own wellbeing.
Before All (4) (v. 17)
He is- pres, act, ind, 3rd, sg, “to be”. This is a present reality, we are not waiting for this, Jesus is not waiting for this.
Before all things
Sustainer (5) (v. 17)
And in Him- check the preposition
all things hold together- “sunest-eh-ken”, perf, act, 3rd, sg, to be composed- to be or become composed of many parts into a cohesive and enduring whole. All things that were created (same tense) hold together (same tense). “and the use of the perfect tense suggests a stative idea: the universe owes its continuing coherence to Christ”
Douglas J. Moo, The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon, The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008), 125.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary 1:16–17
Christ is not only the One through whom all things came to be, but also the One by whom they continue to exist.
Hebrews 1:2 “but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.”
If Jesus is firstborn of all creation is He first in our life today? Really? I mean, what does that look like for you? How does this truth manifest itself in your everyday life with how you use the time given to you or the rank that Jesus has in your decision making process?
Since we were created by Him and for Him how does that affect your thinking, desires and attitude on a daily basis?
In what ways is Jesus before all things in our lives?
How often do we look to him to sustain through today’s circumstances?
Man and women have been created in the image of God. To be that right representation of the one t hat created them. With purpose, dignity, and love. If not Jesus, who are you patterning your life after? Whose image are you seeking to uphold?
When you think of how you have been created or what you need to survive, is Jesus the dominating voice in the answer? It is very easy to allow other voices to shape how we view our purpose in this life along with our needs and wants.
If I am honest, the moments I feel like I am most likely to come unglued or not be able to hold it all together is when I try to make sense of my circustances, trial, temptations, and struggles without the presence of the one that created everything around me and even me.
Maybe you are here this morning in your thoughts are continually on how this has not been true in your past. Can I encourage you to humble yourself before Jesus today! Others of us are preoccupied with I will let Jesus be #1 in my life when I have more time, out of this stage of raising kids, finished this degree, get the promotion, am more financially stable… Can I encourage you, the text doesn’t say “He was” or “He will be”, it says “He is”
Transitional phrase: So, why would Paul start this way? Well, remember, the recipients of this letter are mostly gentile. Where do you start with someone that does not know God and His promises to His people? Start with creation they can see and explain God’s purpose from there (Acts 14). Paul moves from Jesus being #1 in Creation to being #1 in the Church.
Church: “Head of the Body, the Church” (v. 18-20)
Church: “Head of the Body, the Church” (v. 18-20)
Head of the Churh (5) (v. 18)
He is- pres, act, ind, 3rd, sg, “to be”. This is a present reality, we are not waiting for this, Jesus is not waiting for this.
The head of the body- the leader, a person who is in charge, the uppermost part of the human body
the church- locally and universally
The beginning(6) the First born from the dead (7) (v. 18)
He is- pres, act, ind, 3rd, sg, “to be”. This is a present reality, we are not waiting for this, Jesus is not waiting for this.
the beginning- “arche”, first cause, an agent that is the acuse of something but does not itself have a cause.
the firstborn from the dead- same word as before, “prototokos. He is the first of the resurrection to recieve His perfect eternal body.
Preeminent in Everything (8)
that in everything
he might be preeminent- “proteuon” pres, act, part, nom, mas, sg, to be first or to be randking above all others.
Fullness of God (9) (v. 19)
For in Him- notice the preposition
all the fullness of God- “pleroma” a key word in the the book 1:9, 19, 25; 2:9,10; 4:17. Eph 5:18 same root, this is the noun version, Eph 5:18 is the verbal command
was pleased to dwell- to take a high degree of pleasure or mental satisfaction in, to take delight.
“To dwell”- to inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of. The fullness of God was pleased to dwell in Jesus, 100% God, in 100% man. Not a half and half hybrid. This is the most compelling Scripture for the Deity of Christ or Jesus being devine.
Reconciliation (10) (v. 20)
and through Him- notice the preposition “through” not around, not with
to reconcile to himself- to reconcile back to the previously harmonious relationship with God, not Got towards men as if He has done anything wrong. Every time the base form of this word is used, except once in 1 cor. 7 regarding marriage, it refers to the restoration of fellowship between God and sinners.
all things- All really means all, every thing
whether on earth- humanity
or in heaven- good angels, notice, under the earth is not mentioned. There is no reconciliation for fallen angels, the devil, or those that die an go to hell.
Making peace- to end hostilities
by the blood of his cross- peace is not possible without the blood of Jesus and the cross. There is some “already, but not yet” eschatology in this verse.
Jesus is the head shepherd of this church. It is not my church, or Pastor Al’s or Pastor Larsor yours, it is Jesus’. He is the head, he died, He rose from the grave, he is preeminent.
Paul wanted the Colossians not to look for the fullness of God in any other source than Jesus. He wanted them to understand that reconciliation, the restoring of relationship, is only possible through Jesus! The only one that can end hostility with God in heaven and humanity on earth is the blood of Jesus on the Cross. The Cross is a good visual reminder of this, vertically and horizontally the blood of Jesus covered both.
Were are we looking for fullness these days? Financial security, relational fulfillment, career success, being one with soul and body, physical fitness, intellectual understanding, etc? How does God fit into your thinking? Do you believe you can obtain being full without Jesus? A little bit of “this” and a little bit of Jesus? Or only in Jesus?
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Our nation, those that God has put in leadership recognize the need for this, yet how can you have truth and reconciliation without Jesus?
Thanksgiving is tomorrow, what will it look like for Jesus to be #1 as you plan, prepare, invite, and interact with those that will be in our houses and at our tables?
Transitional phrase:
Summary: In order to be mature in Christ, Jesus must be ranked #1 in my life
Song: Christ our hope in life or death
Discussion questions
Discussion questions
Worship- Renew the Mind (Scripture)
1. What passage of Scripture did we look at? Summarize it in your own words.
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
Grow- Engage the Heart (Conversation)
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
Serve- Enlist the Body (Action)